Alex went to another friend's house that night, so Mary and I dropped her off, then went back to Mary's to watch movies.
At midnight I got a phone call from Alex asking me to come get her. I knew her friend had changed for the worse since we moved and insisted that they have their sleepover at her grandparents' home. I was reassured that it would only be her and her mom at home so I allowed itbut told Alex if she felt uncomfortable in any way to call me no matter what time it was, and I would go get her. As it turns out, another friend came over, the two friends started fighting and Alex didn't like it. After I picked her up, Alex informed me that on top of that, the hosting friend’s boyfriend was there and…well…yeah, you get the picture. So, that didn't go well, and as proud as I was for my daughter’s responsible actions, I felt bad that her plans didn’t go better than she hoped for.
Tuesday we went to the mall so Mary and I could have pictures done together, then we met my adopted daughter and her family for lunch at Chili's.

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