Part Two

Before leaving Memphis, I called to find out if cameras were allowed inside the venue and was told by some noob that only disposables were allowed in. Great! I bought one and was ready. When we finally got into the venue - the beach area - I discovered that many people had their digitals. Enfuriated, it was then that I realized I could have had better pictures of the concert if I had just risked bringing the digital camera instead of the disposal piece of sh** I had. Vegas wasn't as hot this time, but mostly due to the stormy weather, which nearly ruined what ended up being good times.
The top of the stage has a signal light. Green lights, it was all good and we could go into the water surrounding the stage; yellow lights, we couldn't go in the water because getting struck by lighting was a big risk, but the show would go on; and red lights, we were basically S.O.L., but got a refund for our tickets. Yeah...we all looking forward to that refund. What were the event staff thinking?
We were ecstatic to see green lights upon entering, but after Alex took a short dip in the deeper part of the pool, the lights went yellow and we were ordered out of the water. Many downhearted fans slogged our way out of the pool and up onto the "beach" area, waiting anxiously for green lights as we watched the clouds overhead dissipate. For a while it was like playing Red Light, Green Light. The boys were due to start at 9 p.m., but the minutes ticked by, passing the scheduled start time. They must love us as much as we love them; they seemed to be holding the show for green lights...and their own safety, I'm sure. Around 9:15, it was a go and a herd of fans stampeded back into the water. I took Alex's hand and dragged her to the front where I was right below Roland Orzabal's side of the stage. Everything went smoothly; green lights throughout the show, and a few smiles from Roland, made us completely forget the stress of just getting to Vegas. It was the "Closest Thing to Heaven." Alex had a blast and commented that it wasn't what she expected. She thought it would be boring because “they’re older.” Boy, did she get a rude awakening! Her favorite parts were the beginning -- they opened with "Mad World," which included an orchestral intro before Curt Smith took the stage to finish singing the song, followed by Roland -- and the encore -- "Woman in Chains" and "Shout"

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