I'm it!
The way I see it, Sofido does count as three people because I feel like being the devil.
I've been tagged by J. Rhodes.
The rules:
Players offer eight random habits/facts about themselves.
If you're tagged, you need to write your own blog about your eight things and post these rules.
At the end of your blog post, you need to choose eight people to tag and list their names.
Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.
My Random Stuff:
I can curl my tongue.
I can tie a knot in my hair using only my thumb, index, and “the bad finger” of one hand.
I have three tattoos – five if you count each fish as separate tattoos, but that’s splitting hairs.
My drunk and drugged-out uncle pierced my ears when I was seven with a frozen bar of soap and a sewing needle.
I am incapable of driving a stick-shift – several people have tried to teach me and I just don’t get it. The idea that if a person has rhythm, s/he can drive a vehicle with a manual transmission is inaccurate.
I avidly play World of Warcraft and have a level 70 Night Elf Feral Druid named Badra on the Ravencrest server.
I had a painting in the Del Mar Fair when I was in high school that my teacher put a price on and tried to sell without my acknowledgement.
I’m a 35-year-old Gramms to two beautiful baby girls.
People I'm tagging:
I've been tagged by J. Rhodes.
The rules:
Players offer eight random habits/facts about themselves.
If you're tagged, you need to write your own blog about your eight things and post these rules.
At the end of your blog post, you need to choose eight people to tag and list their names.
Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.
My Random Stuff:
I can curl my tongue.
I can tie a knot in my hair using only my thumb, index, and “the bad finger” of one hand.
I have three tattoos – five if you count each fish as separate tattoos, but that’s splitting hairs.
My drunk and drugged-out uncle pierced my ears when I was seven with a frozen bar of soap and a sewing needle.
I am incapable of driving a stick-shift – several people have tried to teach me and I just don’t get it. The idea that if a person has rhythm, s/he can drive a vehicle with a manual transmission is inaccurate.
I avidly play World of Warcraft and have a level 70 Night Elf Feral Druid named Badra on the Ravencrest server.
I had a painting in the Del Mar Fair when I was in high school that my teacher put a price on and tried to sell without my acknowledgement.
I’m a 35-year-old Gramms to two beautiful baby girls.
People I'm tagging:
Oh, Irony! (or do I mean coincidence?)
I had just read your blog for the first time in MONTHS and then BAM, you hit me with a tag!
Congratulations on becoming a grandmother, and congrats on being a level 70 super-mondo WOW killing-elvish thingie. (My son would like to borrow 50 gold, whatever that means.)
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