It is what it is...that is all
I'm a wintery person, really. Summer disagrees with me on so many levels. While the humidity of the South is better for my hair (it's much curlier) and my skin (it's less dry), it brings out some rather nasty little vampiric creatures that flock to make a feast of me in under three seconds. Michael's answer to this is,"You're just a sweet person." Yeah, I'd like to know what he's been smoking.

Until our most recent rains, the mosquitos left me alone. I thought, Awesome, no bug bites, I'll just step outside and hang with my daddy while he BBQs burgers. such luck. Mother Nature had other plans for me. I walked out, sat down, starting slapping at those little buggers, and high-tailed right back inside. I'm not sure my dad quite knew what to think. My mother was a little disheartened that I didn't stay out, but she tends to get like that when she doesn't get her way.
We took the kiddies to see HP5 yesterday after Michael, my dad, and my brother returned from letting a little white ball hamper what could have a been a morning better spent doing something else. Or, as Mark Twain supposedly put it: "Golf is a good walk spoiled." But did he really say that?
Anyhoo...I enjoyed the movie; I thought they did a pretty good job sticking to the storyline, considering. I've been informed by my 15-year-old, however, that she no longer wishes to marry Daniel Radcliffe as he's dropped out of school. She's moved on to Rupert, having lost all repect for that Potter kid. Oh, and she didn't like the movie that much for two reasons: 1. she read the book first, and 2. the people who sat behind her were rude, kicking her seat, whispering, crinkling their popcorn bag to much, and ruined it for her. She's willing to give it a second chance, though, when my sister-in-law drags her out to see it again. Little Miss Thang will hardly be kicking and screaming.
After the movie, my brother and his wife took all the kids swimming at the Y. Following that was the cookout where I became dinner for the mosquitos.
Next weekend will be busy as I have testing for four of the five state jobs I applied for, two of which are Parole Officer and Correctional Counselor. After that, I prepare for my trip back to Cali. Well, Vegas anyway, where I'll spend an evening with Tears For Fears. Then, I should be off to Victorville, visiting friends and tying up some lose ends. VVC makes getting transcripts a pain in the arse. I have to be back in time to start Miss Thang's soccer season off with a mandatory orientation meeting for all the parents. Yep, mandatory...I laughed too.
Ahem...On a more serious note, I've decided that I'm not ready to take the GRE, but I can't sit around waiting to be ready, so I start classes at the University of Phoenix in August. I'll now be getting my Master's in English Language Arts Secondary Curriculum, or something like that. It's a long name that I don't intend to memorize any time soon, but it helps me get a job teaching high school. Next year, I'll be better prepared to interview for a teaching position in one of the high schools for Memphis City Schools. In the meantime, I also need to take the Praxis exam, apply for the Title II teaching certificate, and apply to start subbing for my daughter's high school if the state jobs don't pan out, or to set up times to volunteer in her English class. Ooooh, she hates me for that one. Awesome!That's about the gist of my adventures at this point. Miss you all!

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