So the monster in law was over for Thanksgiving (Im not married but it is sort of an apt description) and she caught sight of Russ' tat which he has in the small of his back. Oh my gawd...All hell broke loose. (she is very old fashioned...She walked to school uphill both ways with cardboard in her shoes to stop the "little rocks" getting in through her holy soles). We had to create a diversion quickly. It came in the form of her granddaughter...6 months sober (sigh) and thrilled about it. Grandma gave her the lecture about "addiction" being an excuse for lack of discipline...Needless to say I wanted to crawl under a rock just to get away from the family drama.
The hardest thing I have ever had to do is have a relationship (which I might add has been extremely touch and go of late) with someone who has kids. You have to get used to the fact that you will always (no matter what they say) play second fiddle. And if the kids are an absolute nightmare-which they have been in the past...Well one of them continues to be-it is even harder to have any empathy for them. It takes many many deep breathes and taking off for a "drive" to gather the patience to deal with someone else's kids...Especially if they act like horrid spoilt brats. If this all sounds kinda harsh...Sorry. But , if I ever do this relationship thing again, I will be extremely wary of dating someone with children. Or perhaps I will just be better prepared. Or perhaps other children are just nicer...I dunno. When you have made a decision not to have them, you get kinda selfish. Don't get me wrong, I know plenty of kids that are wonderful...How do their parents do it? What I see about these kids is that they have been spoilt rotten...To make up for the divorce situation I suspect.
Anyway, perhaps I will continue this rant another time. It makes me tired just to think about
'Til next time
Awe, Fi! I'm sorry. Would it make you feel better if I 'fessed up and told you that the picture is an unreal? I got bored, grabbed the strap to the camera, bit down, and Mary snapped the picture.
I waited for the pain that I felt when I had my foot done, and didn't feel an inkling of that pain, which was armrest- gripping-butt-scooting-off-the-chair-painful. This tat -- nada -- just the hypnotizing hum of the tattoo gun and vibrating needles against flesh. My first tat hurt for a few days afterward. This one, I don't even realize it's there (which could be bad -- what if I scratch it?). *gasp*
I am subconsciously aware of it, so if anyone comes close to touching it, I move away -- much as if I had a sunburn -- but it's more because I'm afraid of scarring from my shirt rubbing it.
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