Sonya dear heart...

So, if you're leaving forever, what about your MA? Are you going to finish it in Memphis? A mohawk huh?... I want to get my nose pierced but i'm too chicken. (I hate pain.) I think it looks so cool but all my friends think it would be a dumb move. Their first question is always "what happens when you get a cold?"
Hmmmm....I'm not doing anything exciting this weekend except working on my arcade and thesis prop...oh and my annotated bib.
My horses came in from Montana about a month ago. They got a bit of a holiday and now they have to go back to work. They are so fat that people are making disparaging remarks. I just say, "if I hadnt spent so much time working all you bastards horses I could have got mine going there."
I have a love hate relationship with polo these days. I grew up with it. Not that my family had anything to do with it, but our house was next to a polo club and I used to stare longingly at the horses from my bedroom window. Then I worked as a groom, trainer, polowife (ugh..the dark ages) for years. Now, I keep my horses at the Ritz carlton of ranches and ride everyday in exchange for their board. However, like any equine discipline I suppose, some polo players are real bastards. I am forever on the look out for abuse, both on the field and off....but polo on the whole retains such a colonial attitude... towards women, foreigners, and horses.
Where is Weasley these days? Is he offended that I looked up his dress? I'm sorry Weasley...I'll buy you a drink next time we meet.
That's it for me...for now at least.
Have a t'riffic weekend
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