It feels like Sunday

Having Friday off made it feel as though the weekend should be over. It's felt like Sunday all day. On that same note, having Friday off has allowed me to relax a little -- not much, but a little.
I've done very little reading for class, and I can't really blame WoW for that; I haven't played any more than I normally do on the weekend. My daughter and her fiancé are in town (they leave tomorrow), so I've been spending some time with them, trying to assess the future son-in-law. I suppose he's an okay guy; he's really nice -- a little too nice, like he's hiding something. I could be wrong; I hope I'm wrong.
I took Jenifer shopping so we could talk and spend some private time together. Ya know mother/daughter stuff. I bought her some maternity clothes that will grow with her. One of the blouses is really cute. Why couldn't they have made such cute maternity clothes when I was pregnant? Then, we all went out to dinner at a really good Chinese restaurant (of course, I only go for the tea). Then we made a pit-stop at Starbucks on the way home -- Yummy. Well, all of us except my 14-yr-old -- she went to Knott’s with a friend and her friend's grandparents today and still isn't back yet, but they’re on their way.
Anyhoo...Jenifer leaves tomorrow. I'm sad, but I know she has to get back to Nashville for work. She's actually not leaving till Tuesday (wasn't that an 80s band?), but they're staying with her airline friend for a couple of days. The fiancé wants to see more of LA. I had to ask why; does he like to chew his air before he breathes it? Ahhh, LA...“where the ground moves faster than the traffic.” (Who said that? I can’t remember).
You know, I keep thinking of things I could have added to my OOO too. My use of a cell phone even though phones aren’t a big deal; I hate to talk on the phone unless it’s my husband or my mom. There was something else that came up earlier, but now I can’t remember. I think of these things when it’s completely inconvenient to write them down, like when I’m in the shower. By the time I get out, I’ve already forgot.
I watched Click today. Okay, I watched part of it. It was funny. Of course, when “Everybody Wants to Rule the World started to play during the movie, everyone turned and looked at me. Why? What were they expecting me to do, a trick? This is my family who I see everyday, yet they still seem to expect me to react in some outrageous fashion when there’s a TFF song in a movie. The best one though was the end of “Who Killed Tangerine?” in Fever Pitch when Drew Barrymore runs across the field to What’s-his-name.
I’m babbling now. I feel like I’m getting sick again and it sucks. I can’t afford to get sick again. Last time, which was only a few weeks ago, I had ear and sinus infections + bronchitis. It was pretty bad.
I think I’ll have a Ghirardelli Dark Chocolate with White Mint Square, a cup of hot green tea (or more), watch The New World, and go to bed. I’ll try to read tomorrow after the house-hunters leave and my husband takes Jenifer and her man to LA.
Till Monday then. I’m outty. Peace, y’all! (I’m practicing for when I move the Memphis).
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