Saturday, November 11, 2006

Aries the Ram

Yep that's me. I don't usually subscribe to astrological beliefs, but I possess many of the characteristics ascribed to those born under this Fire sign. Now what is your sign Freddie? Do either of you know more about astrology? I only know what I know from reading the paper (horoscopes) and my mother in law (every year she gets a copy of Sidney Omar). It was nice having today off, we slept in- that means 7:45am! I didn't get as much done as I expected to, but that's ok.

I have been thinking a lot about my OOO since I wrote up my reflection. I keep thinking of other things to add, but I also am having second thoughts about what I'm putting out there for the online community to view. Tomorrow I will do the reading on the arcade, as well as the billion other things I have to do (like grade papers, report card grades need to be turned in by this Friday, plan lessons for the week, work in the yard, etc.) I'd also like to get some writing done. Last Saturday we had our first follow up meeting of the IAWP Summer Institute and I have a number of pieces I started there, but haven't worked on since. Have either of you taken any creative writing classes or done any? I hadn't until last spring when I took the class with Prof. Brown and then the workshop in July. It really has made a difference in my teaching. What middle school student doesn't have something to write?! They really are enjoying it. This next trimester, i'm going to require a specific number of finished pieces (as well as forms) for a portfolio, maybe we'll put together an anthology. Well, it is almost one am. I'd better get to bed.



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