I'm an air sign (Gemini) who has to be reminded to breath...

I'm surprised that I never held my breath during a temper-tantrum as a child. I've always been more apt to fill my lungs with air and let it fly. But, when I'm stressed, I often catch myself holding my breath. Not in the form of a tantrum, just not breathing regularly (no wonder I suck at Yoga).
Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, inha...*cough, cough, cough.
My daughter and her fiance arrived today. He seems nice...too nice. It was so good to see her though. I have a few days to assess him and how he treats her (I heard a rumor that he's "mean to her" -- secondhand information from a 14 yr old who's the biggest drama queen I know, and I ought to know; she's mine too). And I'd like to say that I'm not holding my breath, but I am.
Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, inha...*cough, cough, cough.
I'm exhausted, can't sleep (thanks to stress), going on 3 hours sleep, have to work in the morning. Tomorrow's Thursday so I know I'll be seeing particular tutees who always come in on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The good thing is that they've had their tutoring session, it's documented in their files, and they'll be doing mostly independent study, but I know two of these students because they almost always want to work with me, and I know that they'll have questions and they'll be chatty, as usual. ("Do I need to separate the two of you?")
It's a stressful time and I'm tired. I'm breaking out (I'm 34 and I still break out like I'm 17). I'm sleepy, my eyes are burning, but Fried Green Tomatoes is on Encore, and I really like Jessica Tandy, Kathy Bates (wasn't she wonderful in Misery?), and Cicily Tyson(sp?). The book (Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe by Fannie Flagg) of course is way better, but it's as misplaced as The Ice Queen.
My 14 yr old has been mad at me for 2 days (like I said, drama queen); she's trying to ditch school again tomorrow so she can "spend time with Jenifer while she's here because I never get to see her." OH! And I made one of her friends cry because of some stuff she had on her MySpace that I thought was inappropriate for a 14 year old. I'm on a roll...
Movie's over...rant is over...I'm going to sleep. Peace...I'm outty.
Incidentally, I own Fried Green Tomatoes on DVD and watched the last half of it on Encore anyway.
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