On the move...

I'm going to try to transfer my program to Memphis. I need to check to make sure 100% that they require the GRE. If they do, I'll need to get that out of the way first. By the time that's done, I should have residency and won't have non-resident tuition costs. I've told our "Captain" that if things don't pan out, I'll come back to this hell-hole and finish my program at CSUSB after all. There's always the MFA option at U of M as well.
So much for trying to by the ex-crack house down the street from my folks. The For Sale sign is gone. My dad's not sure if someone bought it, or if the bank repo’d it. He's thinking the latter because now you have go through "some special place" (my mother's words) to even look at it.
Hopefully our house sells faster after it's empty. So, my teenager and I will be shacking up with my friend Mary (and her fiancé, Blue) for two weeks. Yay! Four people, one bathroom! Ahhh…it doesn’t get any better than that. Well, at least her and I will get to hang before I make that move, and it things keep going the way they are for her, she might just pack up and make that drive to Memphis with us. I should be so lucky!
I have big plans this weekend: cleaning out the storage unit; packing up some stuff; getting rid of some stuff; possibly getting a new tat; and if there’s time left, arcades project, annotated bib., and reading. Did I mention that I have to find homes for my “babies.” Suki needs a nice person who will tolerate her whining and constant need to be scratched. Puck needs someone with a doggy door, lots of food, and tolerance for shedding – he chases strange animals off the property, including rather large dogs. Or, they’ll have to go to a no-kill place (I won’t accept any less because they both deserve good homes).
Well, I’m off to try to kill the chances of that teenager of mine going on her first “date.”
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