Okay...I finally created the time...

...and sacrificed time for other things, like projects for classes -- sort of.
So, I said I was going to photograph the process of getting a tattoo for part of my arcades project, and I decided that today was the day to do that. I had to go out anyway, so I dragged Mary out of the house and made her tag along and be my photographer (I bought her dinner to make up for it).
After about 30-45 minutes of excruciating pain (it really didn't hurt that bad this time) as Aly stabbed my sensitive skin, inserting the ink for my new tat: the Chinese symbol for wisdom (at least that what all the research I did said it was). My name -- Sonya -- means wisdom, wise, or sagacious. I found this symbol by accident after I put aside looking for something inspiring to get inked. I thought about centering it on my neck or upper back, but essentially decided that my wisdom isn't really centered, but slightly off-center, so I got the tat to the right of center for a couple of reasons: 1. I'm considered a right-brained person (though I often feel both left- and right-brained at times) and 2. I'm right-handed and so the wisdom I put on the page flows down the right side (if that makes any sense).

And our oldest flew in today, and his new wife follows in a week (she didn't have enough leave on the books to fly out with him). I'm still trying to get used to having one child a married man and another child preparing for motherhood. They're both still so young, and I'm still young; it's just weird for me. The day after my new daughter-in-law gets here, we're supposed to go to Disneyland, which means I need to get cracking on these projects for my classes. I just can't seem to get into them, as much as I find tattooing so intriguing.
I'm still hung up on the background for the arcades project, and my research question for 609 is probably going to change to reflect feminism, but I'm still not sure how to approach it. I've thought about it since Wednesday, and I can't get the question phrased the way I want it. But, I shouldn't be surprised; nothing has been easy for me this quarter.
Very cool--I especially like how you decided where to place the tattoo (the off-center wisdom).
Courageous So. I have considered getteing a tatoo, but every time I do, I remember what they looked like on the old people I saw in when i worked in hospitals. Not a pleasant sight.
The way I see it, no one wants to look at you when your old and saggy anyway.
I like your arcade pic of the mall in SD.
Horton Plaza?
Yah, yah...Horton Plaza...I love it!
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