Saturday, October 21, 2006

Another Saturday Night

Wow, the time is just flying by. I spent today fighting a war. We have gophers living under our front lawn. My dear h. has been trying to chase them away with a variety of unpleasant things. Unfortunately, our neighbors don't care about the mounds of dirt on their lawn. I was pulling out oxalis where the gophers live (our house is on a hill, so the front has a small slope (maybe 10 feet) from the house to the street), and started sinking. Apparently, the gophers have a palace built under my lawn. Calling the experts in on Monday.

So, Talk about speaking a different language, your game playing sounds interesting, but when you start using terminology specific to the game....I'm out of the loop lol.

Your story about the boy and dog reminded me of a similar incident. My son was about 4, playing in our tiny backyard (this was in NJ.), and a big black dog wandered down the walk toward the yard. My son started screaming, I ran out and chased the dog away. To this day (he's 25 years old now), my son remembers the incident with the same emotion. Fortunately, he did not develop a fear of dogs!

I was reading Wysocki earlier and decided to take the suggestion to play with this form of writing. I know, it's only manipulating fonts, color, and size, but what the hey (I did go out and adopt a fishy for us, I hope you are feeding him on your posting days!) I think I'm going to have to figure out how to move him to the sidebar, otherwise he'll disappear into the ARCHIVES!!!!!
A Domani! Do


Blogger James said...

I feel vaguely voyeuristic reading the blogs...I am not sure why.


Who the hell is who in this entry? Is it all one person or have you chosen separate colors to distinguish yourselves?

Obviously Sonya is Sonya (I am so smart), and I know that one sofido post is from Freddie (I remember Learning about your Dad, Fred)...but this one is confusing.

and there you go...


Sun Oct 22, 03:23:00 PM  

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