Thursday, October 19, 2006

Pissed off and want to go to a movie

Hey guys,
Im I seem like I'm always moaning? More so than ever, I am feeling the pressure to finish my degree...I, like all of us I presume, am quickly running out of moola and need to get DONE! I am in thesis planning this quarter and cannot for the life of me seem to get my head around a topic. I have been urged by a couple of Profs to take the exam...for simple reason that it will get me graduated in June...hopefully. On the other hand, I feel I may miss out if I don't write a thesis but I'm really struggling with formulating a question. As the quarter ticks on, I feel I am wasting precious minutes with all my vacillating (did I spell that right) and altho I recognise that I have a tendency to flap, my thesis question is still out of reach. Frankly, I am overwhelmed.

phew... got that off my chest.

As for other stuff, I rode many horses this morning and then tutored 10 students at the writing center. Sometimes, I long for my old horsey life. It seemed so simple...wake up, shovel some poo, ride, shovel some more poo, clean some tack, go to polo, shovel more poo, get drunk at the Cantina, snog some random polo player,(check one of them out...ok, there weren't that many) that kinda in, day out. ...sigh. Didn't have to come up with a sodding thesis question then. The only questions I had to answer then were "which horse am I playing in the next chukka?" or "was that a foul, that wasn't an Fxxxing foul, was it?" or "wheredya wanna go tonite?" or "Pleeze for us to do eet on zee polo field?" (Bloody Argentines).

Most exciting news...I am going to see Tom Petty this weekend. As long as I can scalp a ticket, that is.

Ok, that' s it
You rock


Blogger Summer Writers said...

uhhhh..for some reason after I edited the links, you now get directed to some funky wweird site do do with computer stuff.hmmm

Fri Oct 20, 01:39:00 AM  

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