Argh!'s pretty much been one of those weeks...blah. Monday and Tuesday weren't so good. Grrrr... By Wednesday I felt caught up on the reading and other things, and that my week was getting better, but today I upset not one, but two students in the writing center. One of them, I worked things out with. I don't know who the other one is though, as I got the info secondhand from our Instructional Assistant. I informed my boss, and she told me she's not worried and I shouldn't be either, but still...The second student admitted to our IA that it was probably just her own low self-esteem working overtime. Maybe I've just been tutoring too long.
I tutor in the VVC writing center Tues. and Thurs. all day and Wed. in the mornings, and I tutor in Basic Skills Mon. and Fri. in the mornings. Then I go to a weekly tutor meeting on Fridays after work. I have classes from 4-8 (roughly) Mon. and Wed. Sat. and Sun., if I'm not bogged down with homework, I try to attend my daughter's (the 14-yr-old) soccer games. In between, I'm helping get the house ready to sell, but it's not going as well as we'd like. And even though I promised myself a break from World of Warcraft for the quarter, my husband lovingly signed me up for tomorrow night's Molten Core raid (I know Freddie is probably saying, "What's that? What are you talking about?" It's okay; I used to say the same thing before I started playing.)
I've been tutoring for about three years, but I just started in Basic Skills. At one point, I was the temporary Instructional Assistant for the writing center until the new IA began work.
Okay, to try to salvage Fi's, and maybe Do's confusion: World of Warcraft is a Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG). It's a little like D&D or Might and Magic but played online with thousands of people from around the world. There are two sides (factions) to the game: Alliance (good) and Horde (evil). I play a Night-Elf Druid (Alliance) named Badra (Arabic for full moon apparently). She can shapeshift into Cat form to do more damage, Bear form to take more damage, Aquatic form for faster swimming, and Cheetah form for faster traveling. She's "specced" for healing though, so when I accompany my guildmates on a raid, my sole job is to heal the main tank (warrior), then mages and warlocks, other healers, and the rest of the raid (in that order). That's my toon in the picture (very bad picture).
Guess that's enough ranting for now. Till tomorrow...
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