Do I have to put a title?

Beautiful picture. Did you take it? I admit I've been lazy about trying new stuff in my posts (i.e. new font, color change, and adding pictures). I know Fiona asked in the discussion board how to add her link, and while I would love to answer that, it's easier for me to show and tell, rather than just tell because I even forget the steps.
Although I don't blog as much as I'd like, I actually like the idea. I've seen creative writers use their blogs to get their work out there. I'm not sure what it led to for them, but, well...
My 612 project focused on internet communication, specifically blogging, and collaborative writing. It's possible for a group to collaborate asynchronously on a writing project using a blog.
I know what you mean about being sick right at the beginning of the quarter. I fought it as long as I could, but in the end, I lost to a sinus infection, ear infection, and bronchitis. The changing weather doesn't help either.
I have to say, I admire anyone who can teach middle school or high school. I know from experience raising my own that kids that age can be monsters. Everything is drama -- even the boys can be drama queens.
Sorry to hear about your husband. I hope things work out.
Mmmm...booooksssss. I cleaned my bedroom yesterday and elected my 8-year-old son to help me. He saw the stacks of books and literally gasped -- whether in fear or delight I haven't determined. But he did comment, "You have sooo many books, Mommy." And I haven't even read half of them. I buy books because they sound interesting, then bring them home and they sit, waiting to be undressed with my eyes. My husband actually "grounded" me from Barnes and Noble...well...he tried.
Okay, gotta get back to the books...I have some catching up to do as well. See you both tomorrow evening.
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