Thursday, October 19, 2006

Thesis and stuff

Hey Fi,

I feel your pain. I'm just behind you, one more class, internship, then the big T. I have vague musings about a thesis, but have yet to discuss any of this "end of the process" stuff with Prof. Pigeon (we did speak of it when I did my plan, but I wasn't ready to hear it then). As for the test, I've been told that if you are thinking at all of a PhD. you should definitely do the paper. If all you want is the MA, go for the test. But what do I know, I'm just plugging along.

I got all excited about your polo player link, only to have it fail. It looks like you typed in http:// one too many times. Check it out. I have never seen a polo match, either in person or on tv. I can imagine it is like going to any sporting event, live is always so much more exciting. I think November sounds like a good time for it. I'll bring the camera!

I wonder if people who write code have cheat sheets of code that they cut and paste?! I'm having fun trying this stuff out, but I would think it could get rather monotonous doing it all day long. I'm having trouble with trying to paste code from other places (like the wiki page) into the template and having nothing happen. I need to visit some of those other class blogs and ask what I'm doing wrong!

Well, off to work on my page. I finally remembered how to link up my links page to my home page, lol. Don't worry about spilling out on this page, as far as I'm concerned, better to see it here than for you to internalize it and end up with ulcers! Remember that old Indian saying, if you tell others your problem, it is not just your problem any more, it belongs to everyone.


Blogger Summer Writers said...

thanks do. I tried to change the links so you could see one of my old flames but i messed it up so I'll just try again in another post

Fri Oct 20, 01:57:00 AM  

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