Another post
I haven't been to a movie on so long I can't remember the last movie we went to see. There just doesn't seem to be enough time in a day, a week, a month...blah, blah, blah. The last one I remember is Tristan and Isolde.
I hear a lot of people are thinking about taking the exam rather than writing a thesis. But there's also the guilt-laden notion that we're cheating. The major is in Composition with concentrations in Lit., TESL, or Rhet./Comp. Most especially for those of us in the Composition-Composition program, it seems even more like cheating. Here we are trying to get a degree in Composition and instead of composing a thesis, we're going to take an exam. I don't it cheating? Who are we cheating? Ourselves? Our potential audience? Future generations?
Too much to wrap the mind around at this hour.

I got a few vidoes in the mail: Jillina's Level 1 Instructional Bellydance; Tribal Fusion Belly Dance with Rachel Brice, and the one I've waiting for: Pretty in Pink: The Everything's Duckie Edition. Off to finish watching that.
See you on Monday, have a fantastic weekend!
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