Packing, Projects, and Pizza...
I have had it! I’m pooped from all the packing, I want to finish my projects, and I can’t wait for some pizza!
It is ammmaaaaazing how much CRAP people accumulate when they live in one place for any extended period of time. Ten years worth of dust, ten years of junk, ten years of memories in each dust bunny, box, and bauble. We’ve had an open trailer for three days, taking sh**, or poo, as Freddie would put it, to the dump and the stuff Mary’s taking off of our hands to her garage. I’ve devoted all of today -- minus the few hours I had to work -- to packing more crap, breaking down beds, and determining what else I can have Michael and our boys take out to the dump.
I’ve had tantrum number 2 today -- every time I move to another area to pack, I feel like I make a bigger mess than I started with, and I look over at my laptop, open and waiting for use, and am reminded of all the work I still have to do on the Arcades and the stuff for 609 (thankfully, I just need to fix and finish the proposal for 609, add a couple things to the annotated bib., and write up the stuff for my “homes”).
I’ve given myself a time limit. Today I pack, load, stress, cry on Mary’s shoulder, and pack some more. The truck just got here for us to load up with our stuff that we’re keeping; otherwise I think we would have had more done. Damn the construction down the hill! Tomorrow, I work on projects, stress, stop to give packing/loading directions, cry on Mary’s shoulder, and work on projects some more. I have to get most of it done then because Sunday is…
I’m just glad that we found a home for the cats, but I’m still worried about my baby. Puck’s pretty resilient (he takes on Rottweilers and sends them running away with tail tucked between their hind legs -- well he would if they had tails), but Suki is strictly indoor and quite sensitive.
Okay, break’s over…back to the enslavement that moving out of state imposes.
It is ammmaaaaazing how much CRAP people accumulate when they live in one place for any extended period of time. Ten years worth of dust, ten years of junk, ten years of memories in each dust bunny, box, and bauble. We’ve had an open trailer for three days, taking sh**, or poo, as Freddie would put it, to the dump and the stuff Mary’s taking off of our hands to her garage. I’ve devoted all of today -- minus the few hours I had to work -- to packing more crap, breaking down beds, and determining what else I can have Michael and our boys take out to the dump.
I’ve had tantrum number 2 today -- every time I move to another area to pack, I feel like I make a bigger mess than I started with, and I look over at my laptop, open and waiting for use, and am reminded of all the work I still have to do on the Arcades and the stuff for 609 (thankfully, I just need to fix and finish the proposal for 609, add a couple things to the annotated bib., and write up the stuff for my “homes”).
I’ve given myself a time limit. Today I pack, load, stress, cry on Mary’s shoulder, and pack some more. The truck just got here for us to load up with our stuff that we’re keeping; otherwise I think we would have had more done. Damn the construction down the hill! Tomorrow, I work on projects, stress, stop to give packing/loading directions, cry on Mary’s shoulder, and work on projects some more. I have to get most of it done then because Sunday is…
I’m just glad that we found a home for the cats, but I’m still worried about my baby. Puck’s pretty resilient (he takes on Rottweilers and sends them running away with tail tucked between their hind legs -- well he would if they had tails), but Suki is strictly indoor and quite sensitive.
Okay, break’s over…back to the enslavement that moving out of state imposes.

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