Sunday, December 10, 2006

News and more news...

I got a phone call from my daughter with news. They had an ultrasound and the doctor says they're having a girl. We were all kind of hoping for a boy, but as long as it's healthy right? If the doctor is right, she'll be Kayleigh Marie.

So she went in for her appointment, got ready for the ultrasound and her doctor asked, "What are we looking for?" Jenifer answered, "We're kind of hoping it's a boy." He asked, "Did you bring any Fritos?" She said, "No," and he typed on the screen: "It's a girl," and said "If you had brought Fritos, you could have had anything you wanted." He must do stand-up at night -- he shouldn't quit his day-job.

She called me back, and said, "Sonie, I've been looking at this stinkin' sonogram picture, and it looks funny to me. I think he took a picture of its bum." She's so cute. You gotta love her. My sister-in-law is getting the "family blanket" ready for the new baby. Yet she still asked if I wanted it for Jenifer after I made it clear, when I handed it down to my nieces (it's a pink quilt made by one of my good friend's grandmothers), that when my kids have babies, it comes back to us and stays within this side of the family. So when her girls are old enough to have babies, it gets passed on to them -- again -- for their babies. I have thought about what we do if two of our kids (this includes kids-in-law) are pregnant at the same time, and, yeah, I have no idea what we'll do. I guess we'll elect someone to make another one (or more).

The quilt was actually made for my friend when they thought she was having a girl but had a boy instead. So, they gave it to me when I was pregnant with Alex. I tried to give it back when she finally did have a girl, but she refused it, saying that it belongs in our family. I love the things that are kept, taken care of, and handed down from one family member to the next. I'm so nostalic; maybe it's the rum and coke. Off for another one. Just wanted to share.



Blogger Sonie said...

Why can't I add photos to my posts?

Mon Dec 11, 10:41:00 AM  

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