Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Its Monday

Howdy do.
Russ and I went to UCLA last nite to see the New York theatre company Mabou Mines perform Ibsen's Dolls House. I was absolutely astounded by their production. Check out the link above and go to "productions" to get the gist of it. Anyway, at the end, when Nora leaves Torvald...well, today that's not so schocking right? But in the 19th century it was unheard of... to leave ones husband and kids...so to make up for the fact that leaving one's husband is just so passe, they reintensified the schock by having Nora, standing atop what looked like a "box" at the opera, surrounded by red velvet curtains, and so obviously 10 feet higher than her midget (yes midget husband...read the production bit), peel of her garments: gown, petticoats, bodice, and finally when she was standing stripped and sinewy, she pulled of her curly blonde wig to reveal a completely bald head. And she looked androgynous. It was intense. Her little husband (all the men were played by midgets) was left sobbing in a dolls size bed. I dont know if you guys have read Ibsen, but this interpretation was intense. Now I want to read all his plays again.

So what else? I'm enjoying my laziness. Tonite I watched four movies in a row...because I could! HA.
Catch you later...I'm so glad we are hanging in there with our blog


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