Late night with George

Good evening, wasn't today just beautiful?! I spent time working, but I had to take breaks, go outside and do little gardening things. On one of these breaks, I came across a gnome! Since the last time I encountered one of these guys was in the Weasley garden, I decided that would be his name. Seems like he enjoys playing the flute.
I rushed inside and got my camera. He's sitting next to my Thoreau rock pile (all of them found in my yard). He's a slippery little fellow though, as soon as I snapped this he disappeared!
Tomorrow I have my biannual observation so I've been working on a knock out lesson (you have to get really creative with kids who don't want to have any to do with reading). They really engage when I have something for them to do on the Promethean board. On the other hand, with this Language! program, most of the lesson is direct instruction. The one we are working on tomorrow has a reading selection on Elvis Presley, so I'll be playing some of his greatest hits while we work.
What was that?
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