Where did the day go??
No matter what my best intentions are, the weekend never turns out as I planned. I really intended to start working on this blog, type up my part of the assessment, work some more on my OOO, so what did I do most of the day? I was chopping back purple hopseed and plumbago plants on my slope. They got too tall. My neighbor said that I can't trim them because the plumbago has grown over his dead oleander and if I cut it back, he'll see the dead plants. C'est la vie. He also said I couldn't be on his property! So I stayed on my side of the lot line and started hacking. I'll add a picture tomorrow.
I spent the better part of the evening searching out pictures for my OOO. I finally settled on an organizational strategy for it. As I was working this evening the thought occured to me that this assignment is not entirely fair. I have a much longer history to go through than probably everyone else in the class!! I think I'll probably link my geocities to my .mac pages. I need to add some video, podcasts, and other stuff. How are you two doing on your OOO's?

Well that gnome is still appearing in my garden. This time I found him up in the apple tree looking for what? Apple wine he says?? There aren't any apples on the tree!! He said he'll wait. I suggested he move on.

Now he's in the honeysuckle. What did you say? You're waiting for the honeysuckle wine? Ok there are a few flowers right now, but I really don't think there is such a thing as honeysuckle wine. You need to move on!!
Now it's late and I'm tired. I'll be back in the morning! Do
I spent the better part of the evening searching out pictures for my OOO. I finally settled on an organizational strategy for it. As I was working this evening the thought occured to me that this assignment is not entirely fair. I have a much longer history to go through than probably everyone else in the class!! I think I'll probably link my geocities to my .mac pages. I need to add some video, podcasts, and other stuff. How are you two doing on your OOO's?

Well that gnome is still appearing in my garden. This time I found him up in the apple tree looking for what? Apple wine he says?? There aren't any apples on the tree!! He said he'll wait. I suggested he move on.

Now he's in the honeysuckle. What did you say? You're waiting for the honeysuckle wine? Ok there are a few flowers right now, but I really don't think there is such a thing as honeysuckle wine. You need to move on!!
Now it's late and I'm tired. I'll be back in the morning! Do
The OOO is going alright. I'm fast running out of room for stuff though. I added some music but I need to revamp how it's set up. I have pages ready for info, but have to put the info on them. I'm sure that gnome isn't eating much, and I'm convinced one can make a wine out of just about anything. Honeysuckle wine sounds delicious. Offer him some Honey Mead.
I had intentions of getting caught up, but that hasn't happened yet. I'm so far behind, I think I'm first.
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