Monday, January 08, 2007

Welcome back Fi!

I'm sorry you aren't feeling well, make yourself a cup of really hot and sweet tea, you'll feel better for sure! As for the difficult holiday, I'm not the one to give advice (since I've been in the same relationship for 37 years now) , but even if you go to counseling yourself, if it helps-do it! What classes are you taking? or are you just doing the thesis work? I need to see Prof. Pigeon and work out this end of the program/thesis thing as well. I hope I can do the praxis in the summer. Do either of you know anything about that? Thank goodness I checked my email before I left for class this afternoon, classes cancelled because of wind! Woohoo! I wasn't ready to start today. Prof. Carlson sent an email, we still have a reading assignment (Part 1 of treatise 1 by Hutcheson). Have either of you taken any classes with him? This will be my first and last.

So, tell me about the left hand not knowing what the right is doing when it comes to transferring schools! Once the kids start back, when and where will you be going? Just where exactly are you living (city, state Tennessee?) At least it won't be quite as hard to adjust, with all the above normal temperatures back east. What was that about no such thing as global warming????

Keep smiling,


Blogger Summer Writers said...

Hey do...Thanks for the encouragement. Things are looking up...especially since I'm in Hawaii for the arts conference. Hang loose.

Sun Jan 14, 12:30:00 PM  

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